Kathleen's Butterflies


Ohhh I love when mom has a new pattern! Or even an adaptation of an old one! Kathleen asked for a large version of Zellas butterflies and a boarder added to it so mom drew it up this morning. We loved it so much it’s going in the reg line. The fished size is 32x46 and this one will need assorted sizes in the cut you use. I would say from #4 up to a #7 for back ground and it will work up nicely. Science the floaters are all on the small side and the leaves too you can use up lots of scraps. If you went with a cream back ground in the center and then go to celery or a soft butter cream for the out side boarder all kinds of flower and leave colors could be used! As always our patterns are hand drawn on our own linen and serged edges with a good salvage so if you want more boarder you can add a few rows. What a happy, fun spring and summer rug! Finished size is 32x46 on linen. The sample is hooked by Kathleen E. Of Washington, whom mom designed it for.