25 Yards of our 102 in wide linen

$1,400.00 $1,750.00

1 review

This is our own linen we import for rug hooking and extra large rugs. At 102 in that's 8.5 feet wide! Bed rugs? No problem! Living room rug? No problem! Designer? Give us a call we can supply you with a great linen! Any orders over 5 yards get free shipping and discounts! Tiered pricing for bulk orders. Great deals for Groups, guilds and shops!

The tall rolls standing in the back are the rolls of 102 in wide linen. This gives you a visual of how wide it is. 
The largest bolt we do is 25 yards of this extra wide linen. And this comes as two bolts of 12.5. This is because of the over sized size and weight of this special backing. The whole bolts are 55 yards and 105 inches long. They are to big to ship without extra handling charges.