Please note our last day open in Florida is May 3rd from 10-5
The Florida location will close permanently that day. 
We will be website only until we open asap in Irmo, SC. 
We are CLOSED ALL Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays 
Normal Hours Unless Noted on our calendar  
The Florida Location will close May 3rd 2025
We are relocating to Irmo SC.
The website will only have a very short down time
the last week of May as we make the final move to SC. 
The Florida location is open Tuesday through Friday 10-5 though May 3rd. 
We areClosed on Saturday, Sunday and Monday unless noted otherwise
We are closed Saturdays to keep caught up on orders. There are just not enough hours in the days we are open and busy with customers to keep the shipping up.
So that neither suffers from the lack of our attention we have found this works well.
Always refer to our calendar or call if you’re not sure.