About our Products

Did you know that most of what we sell, we make! Other than things like books, scissors and those kinds of things, its done by us four!
We import the linen and monks cloth we use in our patterns, so with receiving a shipment about every 4 weeks we are able to keep a nice stock and ship even large orders the same or the next day! Chris designs all our patterns and draws them all by hand on the linen. Since we purchased the Rugs By Carol line she is very busy! Julie dyes the fabrics and keeps up our website, newsletters, emails and Facebook pages. Our Husbands, Wayne and Neil, are very involved with the business too. Neil does all the shipping, makes all our frames, hooks, cutter stands and any wooden products we sell. Neil also works full time in the store doing anything but color planning or running the register! LOL Wayne has helped for years, while more in the background with support and business advise. He is also our landscaper/gardener/maintenance man for when Neil is working to many hours to do it all. We are very proud of the hours, days and years it has taken us to build our business. And we take very seriously every one of our customers. We have not lasted this long or grown to this size, by not doing so. We try to answer emails within hours, ship orders as fast as possible, if not the same day and handle any problems fairly for everyone. So you can see we are not just selling "stuff" and its not just a "hobby", It is our family business and we hope you are satisfied and choose us again when you need rug hooking or stitching items.
We also have a wonderful small crew of helpers who help make things happen here at Searsport. Linda in the wool room and Denise is all over helping to make sure we are the best we can be for your wool and thread passion!
Chris & Wayne, Julie & Neil From Searsport Rug Hooking