Hours and address
Our current hours
We are open 10-5 Tuesday - Friday.
For Saturdays
We are only open the first
Saturdays of the month.
Our calendar is the fastest way to see what is going on in a hurry!
We are located in Rotonda West, Florida, in a small strip mall called
"Plaza on the Cape"
31 Chailett rd. Suite 3,
Rotonda West, Florida, 33947
The website is open 24/7 and we ship every day except Sunday.
Our calendar is the fastest way to see what is going on in a hurry!
We can be reached
email is searsportrugs@aol.com
web site is www.searsportrughooking.com
Phone is 941-828-1799
Reach out to us and we will be glad to help
BUT The web site is always open!
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