Learn the basics of dying wool 1/11


Come play in the dye pots and learn basic dying. This class is about equipment, fabrics, technique, and how yellow and blue can make a million greens. You will learn to read a formula, mix dry dyes and make liquid dyes, terms, equipment, how to prep your wool, mix your basic colors, dye your fabric, set it and wash and dry it after.  This is a hands on class. Wear stuff that can get stained just in case. We will discuss special effects and how to achieve them if we have time. Class includes use of all the equipment needed, a yard of assorted fabric, a small skein of yarn and a set of 4 basic dyes, citric acid and more to take home with you. Class is from 11-4 we will break for lunch. You can bring a bag lunch or order in or get gumbo or the current special at the fish market two doors down from us. Bring a note book. We should be able to wash and dry all your wool to take home with you. Class is Saturday, January 11, 11-4  The dye class is limited to four students per class.